Monday, May 5, 2014


Biggest lie I ever tell on this; I'll post again soon.

I will probably say it again at the end of this post, DO NOT BE FOOLED.

Anyways, haha let's see...

My last post was August 4th, since then I have moved into my new apartment with Levi where we have death with bugs, water leaks, falling fans, possessed appliances, and let's not forget the possum. Oh yea that's right, you readers who don't know me actually don't know about the possum. (That's a story, let me tell you, damn possum is on my shit list with that one apartment complex, that's right! I haven't forgotten those twits)

However I will put a little about what's happened in the past and what's going on in the present each time I post -haha like six months from now-.

Now I know I'm acting like I have some huge reading fan base, I don't. Do you see my comments section?! But! I know you are out there, you don't get 309 views with only ten posts unless someone finds my posts so hilarious they keep reading, which is very plausible, I am hilarious.

My 'past' story- I let a possum into my apartment almost exactly how that one lady in the vision commercial let a raccoon in. I let that evil looking rodent in my home, let it eat my cat food and hang out while I thought it was my cat(s), until I realized it wasn't. At that point I ran screaming into my daughter's room because I am the picture of Bravery, after finding my wits I then went and chased it out of the house with an unplugged vacuum and a bit of gymnastics since I had accidentally locked it in the damn apartment with me. This was a much more elaborate story, when it happened, in like October.

What's happening now? Well I accomplished straight A's for two quarters but this third quarter is kicking my tush. I will be signing up for a couple of summer classes and my fall classes tomorrow. Levi's Dance recital is Saturday and I have a billion projects and papers to write like every other poor foolish student. -Secretly I love most of it, MOST, not all, and if anyone asks me about this statement I will deny it like it is the Nile, get it? Denial?..Too much?-

Also, I have come to discover I am a potato. This explains so much. I can't attract guys because I am a potato. BUT! I am a damn good potato if I do say so myself. I've had a couple of crushes or attractions this school year, and it's nice to know that my heart is still capable of liking people, even if it's only a basic level. I've done a couple of 'coffee' things (that's always interesting and nice) and though I sometimes feel I may appear like an ogre to the opposite sex, I'm overall very happy that I am just being me. Even if being me gets me nowhere with men, that's okay for right now. Check back on me in another six months and I may not feel the same, ahahaha, no...really, we'll see.

Hopefully some exciting things will happen this summer, even if they're not amazing or miraculous adventures, I just want to enjoy this summer before fall starts up and I finish my last year as an undergrad (fingers crossed that I will be a graduate student next time). As my dryer sounds like it's about to roll away and my washer gets ready to blast off into orbit I do believe I will go lay down and listen to their soothing sounds and drift off into a dream where hopefully there will be Thor ready to make me breakfast while Wolverine takes me out on the town. Oh yea, I went there. I am that geeky and I totally own that shit.

...I pray no one from class reads this,'s going to post to my Facebook, we'll see how that goes when people start giving me really strange alien looks in the next couple of days, well, more than usual.

OH! And my 400.00 shelf was salvaged, for now, I will have to toss it during the next move. That sucker will go down like the titanic when it gets moved next.